Ed Andersen

Software Developer and Architect in Japan

Shinkansen wifi access (and Japan docomo/mobilepoint wifi WEP keys)

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Back in 2011, I created a pretty popular post (that now redirects here) that contained the WEP key for Softbank’s “mobilepoint” wifi hotspot on the Shinkansen. For some reason, both docomo and Softbank encrypt their public wifi connections with publicly accessible keys which doesn’t prevent eavesdropping on connections at all. Docomo even sells “visitor” access passes via their mobile portal, only accessible if you know the wifi password in the first place!

In any case, the passwords to get on the wifi on the Shinkansen or pretty much anywhere in Japan are now:

Operator SSID WPA2/WEP Key
Docomo docomo e3f4aad65c
Docomo 0000docomo B35D084737
Softbank mobilepoint2 62626d7032
Softbank mobilepoint 696177616B

Once in, you can then log in with your roaming provider (I use Boingo, which works a treat in Japan, and is the source of the above info). The best “public” wifi provider in Japan is Wi2 if a hotspot is available – they provide a hotspot that doesn’t require a password and sells passes in English on the portal.

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Hi! 👋 I’m a Software Developer, Architect and Consultant living in Japan, building web and cloud apps. Here I write about software development and other things I find interesting. Read more about my background.

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5 responses to “Shinkansen wifi access (and Japan docomo/mobilepoint wifi WEP keys)”

  1. Krystyna Ma Avatar
    Krystyna Ma

    Like to have wifi in Shinkansen Train!

  2. Didn’t work for me anymore. They both introduced a new system with costumized wifi keys.

  3. I could connect to WiFi ‘docomo’ on a Shinkansen using the password you provided, but it asks to login using Docomo account which I didn’t have 🙁

  4. I tried the docomo from Osaka going to Tokyo. Connected straight away and gave me no problems. Thanks for the post!

  5. Doesn’t work on Hikari Shinkansen from Tokyo to Osaka. Asks for personal login and password after entering the key you have listed.

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