Ed Andersen

Software Developer and Architect in Japan

Hidden full screen web page kiosk mode in Windows 10 Anniversary

Ed Andersen Avatar



Running Windows 10 Anniversary Edition? Click this link and say yes to the prompts (You’ll, er, have to press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to exit and sign in again).


You just launched the hidden Take a Test app. Windows 10 Anniversary now includes a chromeless kiosk mode that web pages can launch. Basically any link in the format…


…will launch the app. Administrators can even create user accounts that are locked down to single web pages where CTRL+ALT+DELETE is the only way out.

Notably there are some extended JavaScript APIs available when running under the kiosk mode – interestingly some even called getIPAddressList, getMACAddress and getProcessList. Yes, with a couple of prompts, a web page can launch the Take a Test app and get a list of the user’s running processes and their MAC address.

I wonder how long until this gets abused.

Shameless plug: This post was written with Net Writer – a little app I wrote to help blogging on Windows 10. If you have Windows 10, download it for free.

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Hi! 👋 I’m a Software Developer, Architect and Consultant living in Japan, building web and cloud apps. Here I write about software development and other things I find interesting. Read more about my background.

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