Ed Andersen

Software Developer and Architect in Japan

Category: WinRT

  • Life with Surface RT – and why I’ve upgraded to a Surface Pro

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    I picked up my Surface RT on launch day last year as I happened to be in New York for work. The strong yen made it a bargain and I’ve been living with it since. Because it won’t run most desktop apps, it has seen limited use. It was an excellent video player during flights,…

  • Surface Windows RT DOES NOT support Cisco IPSec VPNs

    Ed Andersen Avatar



    A promising slide from TechEd 2012 promises VPN support for Cisco VPNs: And from here: The TechEd 2012 session “Windows 8: Windows RT Devices for Business” (http://channel9.msdn.com/ Events/TechEd/NorthAmerica/2012/WCL202) stated at the 26 min mark that Microsoft incorporate the Cisco VPN client into Windows RT out of the box. It doesn’t work for most Cisco VPN…

  • Remap CapsLock key to Control key on Surface Windows RT

    Ed Andersen Avatar



    The CapsLock key is rubbish. Remapping it to Control is easy on OS X and the Happy Hacker keyboard I use on my desktops doesn’t even have one. On standard Windows you can run a key remapping program but WinRT is locked down (for now). Here is an easy way to map Caps Lock to…

  • AdBlock alternative on Windows RT’s IE10

    Ed Andersen Avatar


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    On the Surface’s Windows RT, you cannot install alternative browsers. This means no AdBlock. There is a workaround to this, using IE10’s “Tracking Protection”. First, fire up desktop IE10, click the little gear in the top right and select Safety -> Tracking Protection. Click on “Get a Tracking Protection List online…”. You should see a…