Author: Ed Andersen
Surface Windows RT DOES NOT support Cisco IPSec VPNs
A promising slide from TechEd 2012 promises VPN support for Cisco VPNs: And from here: The TechEd 2012 session “Windows 8: Windows RT Devices for Business” ( Events/TechEd/NorthAmerica/2012/WCL202) stated at the 26 min mark that Microsoft incorporate the Cisco VPN client into Windows RT out of the box. It doesn’t work for most Cisco VPN…
Remap CapsLock key to Control key on Surface Windows RT
The CapsLock key is rubbish. Remapping it to Control is easy on OS X and the Happy Hacker keyboard I use on my desktops doesn’t even have one. On standard Windows you can run a key remapping program but WinRT is locked down (for now). Here is an easy way to map Caps Lock to…
AdBlock alternative on Windows RT’s IE10
On the Surface’s Windows RT, you cannot install alternative browsers. This means no AdBlock. There is a workaround to this, using IE10’s “Tracking Protection”. First, fire up desktop IE10, click the little gear in the top right and select Safety -> Tracking Protection. Click on “Get a Tracking Protection List online…”. You should see a…
Why I won’t be returning my Microsoft Surface RT
I’ve picked up a Microsoft Surface RT from the “temporary” New York Times Square Microsoft Store. While the purchasing experience was a bit of a mess (untrained sales staff – I ended up having to type my own details into their POS terminal as I’m not quite sure the guy knew how to type), I…
Using a Nokia Lumia 800 Windows Phone on Softbank Japan
The only official Windows Phone in Japan is au’s Toshiba IS12T. Not wanting to change plan, I picked up a SIM unlocked Nokia Lumia 800 and put the Softbank micro SIM card from my iPhone 4 inside. If you want a more general guide to setting up Windows Phone for previous iPhone users and what…