Ed Andersen

Software Developer and Architect in Japan

ASP.NET MVC Basics Part 1: View Model binding

Ed Andersen Avatar



I’m going to walk through the basics of Form submission with ASP.NET MVC, showing some best practices. This set of tutorials will be useful for developers moving away from ASP.NET WebForms into ASP.NET MVC or even Rails developers curious about how we do things in .NET.

You can download the code for Part 1 at: https://github.com/edandersen/mvcformtutorial/tree/part1

Form submission flow

If you have come from WebForms, you’ll be used to being able to pull form values out in the code behind by simply referencing variables in your code behind. These magically map to elements on the page and most of the time you are blissfully unaware how the data gets there. With MVC, we don’t have the same abstraction. Whereas you can access POSTed variables directly with FormsCollection (or params in Rails) but with the ViewModel pattern, we can simulate the binding that ASP.NET provides and access our form variables in a strongly typed manner.


Starting the project

Above is a brief overview of how this pattern works. Starting in the top left, the user accesses the Create action. The Action method provides a new CreateViewModel object to the Create.cshtml view, which renders the Form using the data in the ViewModel. When POSTing the form back to the Controller, the default ASP.NET MVC DataBinder maps the POSTed Form values to Properties on the ViewModel class and provides it as a parameter to the HTTP POST overload of the Create action. Depending on the validity of the model, the POST overload of the Create action returns the same form back to the user (showing the validation errors), or redirects to another page.

Lets build a simple version of the above flow. First, we create a new “Basic” ASP.NET MVC 4 project in Visual Studio 2012:


Which gives us an empty project layout:


We need to add some files to this project. Lets first create the ViewModel class under a new folder called “ViewModels” – BookViewModel.cs. We’ll be creating a form for some very simple Book information. The class looks like this:

using System;

namespace MVCFormsExample.ViewModels
    public class BookViewModel
        public Guid Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Author { get; set; }
        public DateTime DatePublished { get; set; }
        public int Rating { get; set; }

Note how at this stage, this is a simple POCO class with no business logic. This could be a domain model in the Models folder and map to an ORM directly but for all except the most simple use cases, preparing a ViewModel for presentation purposes works out to be more flexible in the long run and less coupled to your database design, which might be a legacy database.

Next, add a Controller, BookController.cs in the Controllers folder. Following the flowchart above, we create two actions, Index and Create, with a Post overload for the Create action that accepts a BookViewModel parameter. This method must be marked with [HttpPost] to tell the MVC framework to use this for POST requests (otherwise the route would be ambiguous). As above, this checks that the ModelState is Valid, redirects to Index if it is and returns the same ViewModel to the View to render validation errors if not.

using System.Web.Mvc;
using MVCFormsExample.ViewModels;

namespace MVCFormsExample.Controllers
    public class BookController : Controller
        public ActionResult Index()
            return View();

        public ActionResult Create()
            return View(new BookViewModel());

        public ActionResult Create(BookViewModel viewModel)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // TODO: Save book
                return RedirectToAction("Index");

            return View(viewModel);

Because we don’t have a Home controller, we need to edit our default route to point to the Books controller. Open App_Start/RouteConfig.cs and change the default route to look like this:

                name: "Default",
                url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
                defaults: new { controller = "Book", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

Now we can create our Views. The Index View will now be the default view for when we start our App, which will simply contain a link to the Create page. Create a Books folder under the Views folder and add the file Index.cshtml:

@model dynamic

    ViewBag.Title = "Books";


@Html.ActionLink("Create", "Create")

We can also add the initial version of the Create view as Create.cshtml. Note that the model type of the view is our BookViewModel:

@model MVCFormsExample.ViewModels.BookViewModel

    ViewBag.Title = "Create Book";


The project should look like this now:


If you run the project, you’ll see the initial Index page load up:


And clicking the link goes to the empty Create page:


Creating the form

On Create.cshtml, we can create Labels, Inputs and Validation messages for each element in the ViewModel. Update Create.cshtml to look like this:

@model MVCFormsExample.ViewModels.BookViewModel

    ViewBag.Title = "Create Book";


@using (Html.BeginForm())
    @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.Id)

    <div class="editor-label">
        @Html.LabelFor(m => m.Name)
    <div class="editor-field">
        @Html.EditorFor(m => m.Name)
        @Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.Name)
    <div class="editor-label">
        @Html.LabelFor(m => m.Author)
    <div class="editor-field">
        @Html.EditorFor(m => m.Author)
        @Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.Author)
    <div class="editor-label">
        @Html.LabelFor(m => m.DatePublished)
    <div class="editor-field">
        @Html.EditorFor(m => m.DatePublished)
        @Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.DatePublished)
    <div class="editor-label">
        @Html.LabelFor(m => m.Rating)
    <div class="editor-field">
        @Html.EditorFor(m => m.Rating)
        @Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.Rating)

    <button type="submit">Create</button>

We start with using Html.BeginForm, which wraps the containing markup in <form> tags. The default HTTP method is POST and the default Action to post to is the same as the current route – in this case Create. For the Id field, we only use the built in Html.HiddenFor helper since we don’t want to display it. For the remaining fields of the BookViewModel, we need to use Html.LabelFor, Html.EditorFor and Html.ValidationMessageFor, including some HTML markup to put each div on it’s own new line (the CSS is included with the “Basic” template). Finally a submit button will POST the form.

If you now run the project and go to the Create form, it will look like this:


You can also click Create. Because the data on the form is Valid, it will redirect to the Index page. The data is not valid of course, so we need to add some Validation.

The ViewModel should be updated to include some DataAnnotations. These annotations are used by the MVC framework to validate the model data on submission. Lets update the ViewModel, with [Required] attributes on Id, Name, Author, DatePublished, a Range attribute on Rating (between 1 and 5 stars), a Date datatype on DatePublished and Display attributes to override the Label value. We also switch the type of DatePublished from DateTime to Nullable<DateTime>, to prevent the date of “1/1/0001 12:00:00AM” from being the default value:

using System;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

namespace MVCFormsExample.ViewModels
    public class BookViewModel
        public Guid Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Author { get; set; }
        [Display(Name = "Date published")]
        public DateTime? DatePublished { get; set; }
        [Display(Name = "Rating (1-5)")]
        public int Rating { get; set; }

If you now reload the page and submit the form, you’ll notice that instead of a redirect, the validation has kicked in and the appropriate messages have been added:


By correcting the errors, the form will submit and redirect to the Index action.


Part 1 here has shown you how to bind a View Model to a form in ASP.NET MVC, along with some basic Validation rules being applied. In Part 2, I’ll walk through persisting the data in temporary memory and creating the Edit action.

Ed Andersen Avatar

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Hi! 👋 I’m a Software Developer, Architect and Consultant living in Japan, building web and cloud apps. Here I write about software development and other things I find interesting. Read more about my background.

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16 responses to “ASP.NET MVC Basics Part 1: View Model binding”

  1. Thanks Ed, great tutorial, it solved a lot of questions I had and you kept it short and concise, cheers.

  2. Nice tutorial, the viewModel term has been bugging me for nights. What makes it confusing are the people who makes comments to forums saying different things. Well,sometimes it’s just these little things that gives us headaches. hahah . I hope to learn more from you. Keep up the good work. More power!

  3. Guy from Yokohama Avatar
    Guy from Yokohama

    Thanks! It is really concise, helped me a lot!

  4. Thanks for the nice writeup. Is it typical to include the DataAnnotations on both the model and the viewmodel? It seems kind of redundant to me to declare all of the fields in the book model (in your subsequent tutorials) and then again in the viewmodel. Why can’t we just pass an instance of “Book” through the viewmodel instead of repeating all of these fields? An explanation would be great!! Thanks for the help!

    1. You can pass it straight through if you want. I have however found from experience that not passing the domain model through to the form allows more flexibility.

  5. if don’t write set alongside get with the name of the properties in the model class then what will happen

  6. […] Part 1, I walked through creating a simple form with a backing ViewModel and Validation. In Part 2, I’ll […]

  7. Marker Avatar

    I read a lot of examples, but this is the only one, after which my code can run.
    Many Thanks!

  8. Thanks for this excellent post. Very well explained, and helped me a lot on my journey with adopting the MVC pattern.

  9. This is a simple Model class, not a ViewModel. There is a major difference between the two…..

  10. Yeah, this confused me too, doesn’t this “ViewModel” have a 1:1 mapping to the underlying “Model”? I.e. it isn’t a ViewModel!

  11. Thanks a bunch! This helped my understanding of View Models in particular.

  12. RisingSon Avatar

    In my understanding, a viewmodel can actually have the exact same properties as the model it is representing, another facet of the viewmodel is the abstraction it provides. Obviously, a viewmodel may also contain other properties from other models, or some type of computed property as X and Y allude to above but there other benefits of using a viewmodel. Thanks for the great article.

  13. […] a simple register form submission with Model and View data binding. To building this demo, this post from Ed Andersen gives me a lot help, if you have any question about data binding in .Net MVC, […]

  14. Andrew Avatar

    This is not a viewmodel…it’s a model

  15. Sorry, Ed, I’m quite new to ASP.NET MVC,so some questions arise. In your ViewModel you’ve got the property “Id”, which holds the attribute “required”. But input field for this property does not exist. How is it filled? And also, what are key attributes in your viewmodel? Thanks in advance.

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