I’ve published version 1.0.0 of a new open source package and a corresponding nuget package – CoreAdmin.
CoreAdmin adds a nice set of CRUD screens to your .NET Core web app in one line of code!
Adding CoreAdmin to your app
Given a typical Startup.cs file, you will have a ConfigureServices method. You need to add the line services.AddCoreAdmin() somewhere near the bottom (at least after you register your Entity Framework DbContexts).
Then when you visit your site with /coreadmin on the end of the URL, you’ll see this:
On the left you can see your database tables (these are the DBSets in your DbContexts). Click one and you get:
From here you can Create new entities, Delete and Edit them. Full searching, sorting, filtering etc are also supported.
There are a few limitations on data types and primary keys (for example, entities with composite primary keys are not supported for editing or deletion yet) but this should be sufficient for basic quick and dirty editing of entities.
How to get it
Or watch a demo!
Here is a YouTube Style video demo.
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