Ed Andersen

Software Developer and Architect in Japan

AdBlock alternative on Windows RT’s IE10

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On the Surface’s Windows RT, you cannot install alternative browsers. This means no AdBlock.

There is a workaround to this, using IE10’s “Tracking Protection”. First, fire up desktop IE10, click the little gear in the top right and select Safety -> Tracking Protection. Click on “Get a Tracking Protection List online…”.

You should see a list of tracking protection lists on Microsoft’s site. You will want to click Add next to the Easylist lists. These might not cover all ads – feel free to add a few more.

With these lists added to IE10, both the Desktop and Metro versions will filter out the ads. This method is not quite as good as AdBlock which removes the ads from the screen entirely, but is better than nothing.

See before and after screenshots of The Register in Metro IE10 below.

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Hi! 👋 I’m a Software Developer, Architect and Consultant living in Japan, building web and cloud apps. Here I write about software development and other things I find interesting. Read more about my background.

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12 responses to “AdBlock alternative on Windows RT’s IE10”

  1. Could you not install Privoxy ?

    I just have a Privoxy on the LAN then I don’t have to worry about what a device will or will not do, I just tell it to use my LAN’s HTTP proxy and all the ad blocking is done there.

  2. Sure you can go through a proxy server if you can. This kind of works even on public wifi where you don’t have a proxy, or external proxy servers are locked down.

  3. Chris Steele Avatar
    Chris Steele

    I just installed IE10 64BIT and the following “Tracking Protection” Lists
    Name EasyList
    Status Enabled
    Address http://easylist-msie.adblockplus.org/easylist.tpl

    Name EasyList
    Status Enabled
    Address http://easylist-msie.adblockplus.org/easyprivacy.tpl

    Name Fanboy
    Status Enabled
    Address http://www.fanboy.co.nz/adblock/ie/fanboy-noele.tpl

    And yet I am still getting ADS from google and youtube commercials. Is there something I can do?

  4. Thank’s for the great info!
    But how come the ads dissapeared only from my desktop version of ie? The Metro version is still loaded with them…

  5. I love you, thanks 😀

  6. Wow thank u so much you’re amazing 🙂

  7. Bob Elander Avatar
    Bob Elander

    Brilliant! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Thanks. Normally my browser was freezing for 5-10 sec after page load. This fix eliminated this completely. 🙂

  9. Did anybody find a possibility to also block the built-in video ads on youtube?

  10. Much better, thank you very much !

  11. donald Avatar

    thanks so much. this makes life nice. sure to tell others about this fix.

  12. Emily J. Avatar

    I can’t seem to download EasyList Standard…?

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