Ed Andersen

Software Developer and Architect in Japan

Free laptop wifi on the Shinkansen (or any “mobilepoint” AP)

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Update November 2014: Softbank has changed their WEP keys. This will no longer work. Sorry folks.

I finally figured out how to get wifi access using a laptop on the Shinkansen (Nozomi N700 only I think) or any Softbank “mobilepoint” access point. iPhone and iPad users will already have free “Softbank Wifi” access – this is normally locked to only an iPhone or iPad. Softbank only check your user agent.

  • Select the access point “mobilepoint”
  • Enter the WEP key:ย 696177616b
  • On Lion, a wifi access window will appear showing the mobilepoint login screen. Close this if it appears.
  • Open Safari
  • On the Develop menu (this might have to be turned on in Preferences) select the correct user agent:
    • For iPad Wifi (which gets you “2 years free wifi”) or iPad Wifi/3G users, select “Safari iOS 4.3.3 – iPad”
    • For iPhone users, select “Safari iOS 4.3.3 – iPhone”
  • Try and access a page in Safari and it should redirect you to the mobilepoint login page.
  • Enter your Softbank username and password. For iPhone or iPad 3G users, this is the “[email protected]” email address and password for the IMAP account you never use. For iPad Wifi users, use the “[email protected]” account with the password written on the letter you got bundled with your wifi-only iPad.
  • Since their portal now thinks you are actually logging in on the correct device, you have access. You can now stop using Safari and use Chrome/Firefox/Mail.app/whatever.
Alternatively you could fire up Skype and pay money per minute for Boingo wireless over Skype Wifi access after entering the mobilepoint WEP key. No thanks.
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Hi! ๐Ÿ‘‹ I’m a Software Developer, Architect and Consultant living in Japan, building web and cloud apps. Here I write about software development and other things I find interesting. Read more about my background.

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4 responses to “Free laptop wifi on the Shinkansen (or any “mobilepoint” AP)”

  1. You kind, kind man. Been trying to figure this out for the past fortnight. Should have known to search for information in English rather than Japanese…! Many thanks!

  2. Thanks for this tip! I’m on the Shinkansen right now and was a bit annoyed that I couldn’t connect my SB iPhone 5 to the mobilepoint wifi and tether my MBA at the same time!

  3. Didn’t work for me sadly…
    The Wep code must be different.

  4. Hi, the key still works if you select the mobilepoint1 AP ๐Ÿ™‚

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