Ed Andersen

Software Developer and Architect in Japan

Lines on the New Xbox Experience

Ed Andersen Avatar



Thanks to the ever-excellent Zman at The Z Buffer, I’ve been sent some screenshots of what Lines actually looks like on the New Xbox Experience. Awesome!




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Hi! 👋 I’m a Software Developer, Architect and Consultant living in Japan, building web and cloud apps. Here I write about software development and other things I find interesting. Read more about my background.

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5 responses to “Lines on the New Xbox Experience”

  1. HadesGigas Avatar

    I’m having a problem getting Endurance mode passwords to work on the website. Timed works fine, but it says “password incorrect” for Endurance. Tried two passwords and they both did this. Great game otherwise.

  2. MikevilOne Avatar

    Hi man, great game!
    My High Score in Endurance Mode is: 48200
    but the password is incorrect!

  3. I’ve fixed the bug that was preventing really high scores from registering – do your worst now! 🙂

  4. Your game looks greate, but I cannot run it on my xbox 360. It crashes with a “code 4” error. I play using a 16:10 PC monitor (resolution 1680 x 1050)…

  5. I juste found out why your game is not working on my machine. After extensive test with the demo version, I found out that it is my Locale setting that crashes the application. As far as I know, a code 4 is an unhandled exception… could you check if your code throws an exception when using a french locale?

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